The world has lost its charm

There are times when I truly dislike the world in which we live.  I sometimes feel that the more we evolve the less civilized we become. There is no doubt that advances in science and technology have made the world a better place.  There is no doubt that those advances have made our lives easier and have reduced suffering.  But what about our humanity?

Among the many places I have lived over the past few years, my favorite was a 150-year-old Victorian house.  Living in a historical house was an eye-opening experience.  It was a glimpse into the lifestyles of people now long gone.

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Just Zip It!

Just Zip It!

Each morning, I turn on cable news to find out what is going on in the world.  I flip through all the different news channels in an effort to expose myself to more than one point of view.  I try to tune in to each channel for at least 15 minutes so that I have an opportunity to listen to several different personalities.  Some days, those 15 minutes are as unnerving as nails on a chalkboard.  News anchors have turned into political activists.  Political pundits present opinions as facts.  News stories are cherry-picked to support one narrative or the other.  The hearts and minds of the American people are being influenced by a media which has lost its ability to present the facts without the bias.

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