American Dream Keepers

American Dream KeepersThere are those among us who cherish the simple joys of life uncomplicated by political correctness and constant judgment by social justice warriors.  We simply wish to raise our children according to our own personal values.  We do not want to be ostracized if we dress our daughters in pink and our sons in blue.  We stand for the National Anthem with our hands on our hearts.  Our biggest joys are the simplest ones and involve home and family.

I do not think I am alone in longing for the days when we were allowed to live our lives without the constant judgment of  our values.  I still believe in the American Dream and it is alive and well in my heart and in my home.  I believe that there are others like me who cherish the simplicity of traditional values.  We are the American Dream Keepers and we will not be relegated to the shadows.

I started this blog several years ago because I felt the need to express myself about issues that are important to me.  I have written about many topics.  Looking back, I realize that the most important things in my life are the things that are closest to home.