Two Pennies for the Grim Reaper

Two Pennies for the Grim ReaperMy elderly Mom keeps two pennies in her kitchen cabinet.  I asked her why.  She told me that they are for the Grim Reaper.  She said you have to pay him when he comes calling.  One penny is for her.  The other is for my Dad.

I cannot help but wonder how it feels to be at that stage of your life when you are awaiting the Grim Reaper.  My Mom and Dad are in their nineties.  Like many people, they made a home together and raised a family.  They have both been blessed with good, comfortable lives.  So after the children are gone and even the grandchildren have grown, what is left to look forward to?  How do you make your latter years as fulfilling as your former years?  How do you stay busy enjoying life so that death is not a looming thought?

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