There are No Do-Overs

There are No Do-OversWhen you find yourself standing at the pearly gates at the end of your life, rest assured that St. Peter is not going to ask if you would like a do- over.  He will not be persuaded to give you another try at life no many how many regrets you have or how many items are still left on your bucket list.  You only get one life so make it count.  Do your best to make sure you live it to the fullest.  Everyone deserves to realize their full potential.

For starters, don’t be complacent.  Don’t settle.  Don’t think you have to continue down the same road long after you realize that you have taken a wrong turn.  Fear is our worst enemy.  We worry about what will happen if we make a change.  Will we wish we hadn’t?

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The Music Inside You

The Music Inside You

One of my favorite quotes is by the late author and motivational speaker, Dr. Wayne Dyer, who said, “Don’t die with your music still in you”.

The first time I heard that quote, I was in the midst  of a divorce.  I was searching for the next steps in my life.  I realized it was a moment in time when I could actually regroup and get on the road I was meant to travel.

I have always known that there was “something” I was supposed to do with my life.  I felt it in my bones.  I just could not figure out how to go about finding my true calling.  I spoke to many people and read many books.  Oddly enough, there were numerous people in my life who actually tried to convince me that most of us are essentially worker bees who are never really meant to make a difference in any meaningful way.  I suppose for the worker bees, it is comforting to believe that is true.  It makes them feel better about the drudgery that is their life.

I never once believed it.

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