Freedom of Thought

Freedom of Thought

When exactly did the people of America lose their right to free thought?  Free speech has long been under attack but now there seems to be a campaign to control what is acceptable to think.  There are those in our society who believe they are the moral yardstick by which all things are measured.  Anyone who does not agree with “approved thought” is targeted and branded.  These keepers of the morality tout diversity in all things while simultaneously condemning diversity of thought.  They want all Americans to think like them, act like them, and most importantly, vote like them.

I recently had a very disconcerting experience while shopping in my town.  I walked into a store that I would describe as a gourmet kitchen boutique.  I met the owner when the shop first opened and have made a point of supporting this local start-up business.  I browsed through the store and eventually picked up an item to purchase.  When I walked up to the counter to pay, I saw a collection of small colorful pocket notebooks prominently displayed at the front of the counter with the words, “F*** TRUMP” embossed in gold letters across the cover.


First, it surprised me that this particular item would be in a gourmet kitchen store.  What does it have to do with the product line?  Second, I wondered if the shop owner considered that he might offend some portion of his clientele.  After thinking about it, I realized that it probably never occurred to him that there are people who do not hate the President of the United States.  I imagine that he must be pretty confident that everyone who patronizes his store also shares his opinion.  That sad realization is what prompted me to write this post.

Where would we be without diversity of thought?  The most interesting people march to the beat of their own drum.  There would be no innovation without people who think outside the box.  Children in high school crave acceptance from their peer group and will often go against their own character in order to gain that acceptance.  They go along with the crowd in order to fit in.  When children grow into adults, they realize, or they should realize, that our differences are what make us great.  Adults should have the confidence to be themselves and have their own minds.  Children in high school want to be part of the flock.  Standing out from the crowd terrifies them.  Adults should realize that being a sheep is not admirable.  In fact, it is cowardly.

I was raised to be a very patriotic American.  I love America and I have always loved America regardless of who was President.  I was offended by the notebook that I saw in the gourmet kitchen shop.  I was offended as an American.  The owner was not in the store that day so I told the store clerk how I felt and left without making a purchase.  I am sure the clerk viewed me as one of the unenlightened minority.  In fact, I hope I made that distinction clear.  I will never drink the morally-sanctioned Kool-Aid.  I will never be told what to think.